Saturday, June 6, 2009

Berk Berk Berk!!


We're turning the crazy notch "to eleven" here in Groveland. As if two 80lb dogs and a toddler weren't enough fun, we've added 3 chickens (hens) to the mix. Peter is lovingly referring to the girls as Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner but I'm thinking more along the lines of Blanche, Rose and Dorothy. We'll have to see how that plays out. We picked them up at the local feed store today. The two smaller hens (The Brahma is light yellow & Easter Egger/Araucana is the dark chick) are about a week old. The larger hen, a Buff Orpington seems to be a little over two weeks old although they were not totally sure. The Orpington and Brahma are brown egg layers while the Easter Egger is a hybrid that will lay a green or blue egg. We have a couple weeks until the coop arrives. Between now and then they will feather out in a sun dome we have set up in the guest room. We'll be keeping track of their growth and progress in this blog. We hope to post new pictures and updates every couple of days. Please check back often and watch the progression from fuzzy chick to mature hen. Seth is already excited beyond belief.

In a few months the chickens probably wont be as exciting as they are right now. Once they are grown, well keep this blog going with pictures and updates of all things Seth and Marchant family related. Please cyber stalk us on a regualr basis. All for now. Stay tuned...........

1 comment:

  1. Your Aunt had a bunch of chickens..."once"....I'll let her share the story.
    Too cute!
