Friday, June 26, 2009

Hallelujah! The coop is here.

The girls have been in the guest room for 3 weeks now. That was enough for us. Them too. They were really starting to get bored. Letting them run around on the carpet a few times a day just wasn't cutting it. The coop arrived via tractor trailer Wednesday night. Steve and Peter were able to assemble it in just a few hours. At 350lbs, it was harder than it looked.

They will be locked in the "house" portion at night and allowed to choose either inside or out during the day. A night light will keep the indoor temp in the 70's until they get all of their feathers.

Norman and Spencer are beside themselves. Norman is much less concerned than Spencer. Lots of barking, panting, and digging. We are hoping they get better over time. A few visits on leashes and training collars should help too.

Just need to work out some summer screens for the side door, running electricity up from the pond and naming the coop!

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